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- Tandem Explorer
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- Testimonials

Hydrobike Customer Testimonials
Water Toys! - "Glen King here. We have had an overwhelmingly positive reaction to our 12 Hydro-Bikes we bought last season. We are probably getting 12 more this year or next." They are great for cabin activities! and campers of all ages ... the grandmas at family camp love them too. (So do the plump dads). A great way to be in plain view with a camper on the water, yoked together on a tandem for those important one-on-one camper/counselor chats. They are so fast and stable you can stand on the pontoons for fast access to kids on the lake and the occasional tip over's that camper's have in canoes or kayaks. Our "eyes on the water" staff love them for managing multiple boats on the water at the same time. We can cross the lake faster in these than even a motorized boat if you include the "untie from the dock, prime and start the engine" time of a motorized rowboat! We had parents taking them for rides on opening and closing days ... couldn't keep 'em away!'
- Contact Glen at Smilendog@aol.com
A Revolutionary Concept
I personally believe that the Hydro-Bike Explorer is the most revolutionary concept in cycling since the mountain bike, and would highly recommend it as a very safe and fun watercraft; a wonderful alternative to cycling on busy streets.
Randy Schellenberg, CYCLE TIME Products - Vernon, BC
I Love my Hydrobike!
I love my Hydrobike and consider it in the category of one of the greatest purchases I have ever made in my life."
Robert Thayer - Illinois
A Perfect Fit!
I have worked as an engineer at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida for the past 26 years. I had been looking for a pedal powered water bike for some time and researched the various models that were commercially available and finally decided on the Hydrobike. It is even better than I had imagined!
What an incredible design! Everything went together perfectly. The majority of the parts are corrosion resistant, (aluminum, brass and stainless) which was a big concern for using it in our salt water environment and the hulls are virtually indestructible. I weigh about 235 lbs so I was worried about stability. No problem at all. I can stand on one pontoon and the bike is still completely stable.
It is really fast and easy to handle, just like riding a bike on the water. It was almost effortless. It handled the rough water with no problem, went into the wind easily, and was a pleasure all round to use. You can operate it in really shallow water by moving the conveniently located handle attached to the drive unit and trimming the drive unit up until the propeller is barely in the water. The designer thought of everything.
Jim Myers - Florida
Cruising the Neighborhood: It's Fun & Easy!
I wanted to take a moment to tell you how much we are enjoying our Hydrobike.
After recently retiring, I wanted to increase my exercise and fun level too - and the Hydrobike is perfect for both. It's great fun, easy to pedal, scoots along fast, and I get the side benefit of toning up at the same time.
I feel like a kid again, riding my bike around the neighborhood, just now it's the waterfront neighborhood. The design of the bike is exceptional - lightweight, handy carrying straps for easy entry into the water from our dock, sturdy and stable platform, and easy to set the handlebars and seat ergonomically correct for different height riders.
My bike was in demand for our recent Father's Day picnic, and we had riders from 8 to 72 years old and they all loved it. My favorite time to ride is early in the morning or after the sun goes down. I have to sneak out of the house if I don't want Buster, my dog, to go with me. As soon as he sees me heading for the dock and my bike he starts whining to go with me. He's never cared for going out on our 25' Parker fishing boat, but he definitely loves being close to the water on the Hydrobike.
I commend you and your company on your service as well. I was thrilled to get my bike as quickly as I did, and your quick and personal responsiveness to calls and EMAIL is so refreshing.
Betty Madison - Virginia
Extreme Hydrobiking
I received the Hydrobikes and brought them up to my lake house in East Texas last Saturday. Well, Tropical storm Lee was sending rain bands across us and we had a 20-30 mph gusting wind. We got a much needed 3" of soaking rain in Tyler county, which is the third county west of Louisiana in the middle of East Texas. I could not stand it, so on Sunday I assembled one of the bikes, in the rain, and tried it out. We had no problem in the wind, and I crossed the lake many times. My kids loved it, and my skinny 12 year old son easily controlled the craft. A coast guard officer visiting relatives in the area was very interested in the Hydrobike, and I let him try it and he loved it. I asked him about the wind, and he said it was blowing 20 nautical miles per hour with gusts nearing 40........
Two design features of the Hydrobike that keep it from being blown sideways in the wind are the pontoons and the rudder. Your pontoons are deep enough in the water to act as keels, and prevent "crabbing" in the wind. Also, unlike a canoe, or even a kayak, there is very little surface area on the craft for the wind to push on. Now, some of the gusts I encountered were enough to push me sideways on long traverses of the lake. But I could easily compensate with the rudder, which also adds to the amount of "keel". In fact, in deep water with the rudder in it's lowest position, it acts as a daggerboard as on a catamaran. I consider the experience a rather extreme test of the craft, and am well satisfied with the performance exhibited.
Anyway, next week I am going to take them to the beach and go beyond the third sand bar and fish. I hate wade fishing at the beach as I know what is out there in terms of bull sharks and stingrays........
Andrew Gwynne
Hydrobike Helps you Lose Weight!
I cant remember the gentleman that ordered my hydrobike for me via the phone, but I have had it since about October 2007 and want to tell him that he was right. I cant get enough of it. I don't walk anymore for exercise. I gave up dodging cars and took to the water. I have lost weight and am in better shape than ever at age 45. I did change out the seat to make it more lady friendly (just a rectangular flat seat). I ride almost daily for about an hour and am now riding to an island on the lake and watching a pair of great blue herons build a nest and hopefully raise a family too! Thanks and if you need me to write you a formal testimony, I would be happy too. I get lots of people stopping wanting info on them and know of two on Lake Murray that I am responsible for. I would suggest that the handle bars come with padding or arm supports to rest on for a different position other than upright.
Thank you for a great product!
Lynne Branham
Hydrobike Tows Kayaks
We're loving our pair of bikes (water bicycle) and not only getting lots exercise, but interest in them. They are even the #1 toy for the kids, after water skiing/tubing, too. The adrenaline activities are hard to compete with. When we go on our outings with more than 2 people, we tow either a surfboard or a kayak behind them and although this is a little slow going, it is still easier than anyone paddling for any length of time. One trip, we had a bike towing 2 kayaks end to end for a couple of miles and that drew some attention! We haven't tried them in the Columbia River yet or to rescue a windsurfer, but I'll let you know more when we try them there.
I forgot to ask you for the "Bike on Water" referral cards, but could use some!
Also, your customer in Tacoma called to follow up with us, but I waited too long and the voicemail dropped the message (and I can't find his number from before). If you could forward this message to him, I would appreciate it. I really enjoyed visiting with him and he was VERY helpful!
Thanks & have a great summer!
Tina Elderkin - Sammamish, WA
HydroBike Day Camp
We operate a day camp that services approximately 425 children. We are located on a large three mile long lake and have an extensive waterfront program. Our boating program contains at least 60 boats, eight of which are your magnificent hydrobikes.
We purchased the hydrobikes about four years ago and have been watching our campers enjoy them ever since. The quality of your workmanship is evident by their almost flawless operation during the pass four years. Your technical support for minor repairs and yearly maintenance has been more than we expected. Our phone calls are returned promptly and our questions answered so we can understand them.
Please go to our website at http://www.daycampinthepark.com/ and view our photo gallery to see the hydrobikes in action.
Thanks again for another great camp activity!
Stuart Fliesser - Operations Manager Day Camp In The Park - Lake Tiorati, NY
HydroBikes Require Zero Maintenance
Here's a little information I thought you might find interesting about the fleet of Hydro-Bikes on the water at Georgia's Stone Mountain Park in Atlanta. If a picture is work a thousand words, than these should tell quite a story.
At the time of this writing, there are 21 Hydro-Bikes (a great water bicycle) down at the park. The staff and management of this facility are very happy with the performance and durability of these bikes.
Not only have these turned out to be a low to zero maintenance unit, they have proved to be quite an income generator. The attached figures show a history for their original purchase of six bikes and projections for the addition to their fleet.
Their peek rental day so far was about three weeks ago. At that time they had only 16 bikes on the water available to rent (the other five we not yet assembled) and had over 200 rentals for the day. At $5.00 per rental, that brought in over $1,000.00 for that day alone.
The exposure that these bikes are giving us and Hydro-Bikes is priceless. I have received many calls from all parts of the country and Canada inquiring about the purchase of Hydro-Bikes. As the Olympics draw near, this exposure is only going to increase. Who knows, this could become an Olympic Event!
Say HI to the gang over there for me. I'll be talking to you soon.
Thomas R. Mohr
HydroBike - Well Made Design
Good Morning. This is an unsolicited testimonial to that wonderful water bicycle you folks make! It has given me more outdoor pleasure than words can ever express.
I'm too darned old now (77) to spend much time sitting down in a little, cramped fishing boat- getting up and out of that seat after a few hours was really almost comical! Was it the end of my fishing days? Fate led me to serial number SN 0089xxxx and I actually have a new 'lease on life', at least as far as fishing enjoyment is concerned.
I have made some modifications for local conditions, some storage pouches, rod holders, anchorage line (a dog leash), etc. Only major change was adding a set of 12" wheels, removable or reversible, for transporting it where no shore access is available. Last year I sent photos of wheels, etc., to Beverly Sellers. They work fine!
As mentioned on the phone, Dean, I personally feel your Hydro-Bike is an exceptionally well-made design, and the fabrication is of the very highest quality. I've always been a critical guy, but you leave me without words - other than words of praise. Thanks for my Hydro-Bike!
Kindest Regards,
Stan Estes - Port Angeles, Washington
HydroBike is a Wonderful Recovery Regiment
On March 10, 1999, I suffered a heart attack. As part of my recovery regiment my physician advised me to join a gym. So for spring, summer, and fall, there I was walking away on a treadmill. Exercising on the treadmill in the winter isn't so bad. Come spring, I asked myself, 'there has got to be something I can exercise on & enjoy that will get me outside.' That something turned out to be the "Hydro-Bike." I'm sure I drove the salesperson nuts. I live in Virginia and I was contacting the sales office at least once a day for a week with questions I thought important before I invested in this item. My questions included: was the material of good quality; was the chain weather/water resistant; and, were parts readily available. Stability on the water was a big question.I purchased my Hydro-Bike in May 2000. Best investment I ever made. I use the Hydro-Bike for 2 hours/day, whenever I can, weather permitting. The cardiovascular exercise is wonderful to say nothing of the strength you build in your legs. The Hydro-Bike can handle any wake/wave the inboard/outboard motor boats create. Then, in 2003, I purchased another Hydro-Bike so I'd have company when exercising. I have no problem acquiring an exercise companion.
Randy Damren
Hydrobikes and a Washington State Commuter
I have never written a testimonial before. This machine has made such a difference in my life that I am glad to share my experience publicly. It will be two years, the first of June, since I have started riding my HydroBike. I have logged over 1400 miles to date (April 28th 2003). It is a part of my daily commute. I live on an island in Puget Sound and travel just about 2 miles one way. I ride year around which puts me in all kinds of weather and sea conditions. I am truly amazed at the stability of this small craft. I have taken on 3 ft. swells and 30 m.p.h. gusts of wind and still felt safe.
I believe we can double and triple our sales annually over the next 5 years by effective online exposure to the millions of people around the world who already can relate to the recreational, social, fitness, and sporting benefits and the just plain enjoyment of the owning a Hydrobike, but don't have a clue that we exist.
I'm confident due to the market momentum from the 11,000 bikes on the water and what is evidenced by the number of referrals, sales and sales from people who rented a bike on vacation or who saw one and took the name off the bike and looked us up on the internet. This represents 70 to 80% of our sales today. With gas prices climbing (we are a green machine), emphasis on fitness by those early retirees, the future could not be brighter. On top of this is myself and my business partner, Steve Anderson (he rode the bike over 1,100 miles for 68 days UP the Mississippi River from the Gulf of Mexico to St Cloud, Minnesota in 1994). We have more enthusiasm for the bike than ever before because we believe in it. We've heard the first-hand stories of people who have owned them for years without a single repair or ever buying one pint of gas! These are people, like Bob Barrett of the Seattle Washington area, who have commuted to work for the past 5 years for a total of 6,000 miles! He's saved the price of his bike many, many times over, but that's not his biggest benefit; he says it's his attitude and his physical fitness as a result of riding his Hydrobikes almost every day of the week for up to 5 hours.
I tell people that I have a life time guarantee on the motor. The motor (ME) gets a good aerobic workout and gets me to work. This allows me to spend my money in other ways besides workout facilities, outboard motors, oil, and gas. I think this also helps preserve the quality of Puget Sound by not putting gas, oil, and noise into this vital body of water. Traveling at 3-5 mph I am able to enjoy the Sound in a way that I can not when I am in a motor boat traveling at 25-30 mph. There is an interaction of natural forces and my energy that allows me to become a part of my surroundings. This little machine has also given me local identity. I am known as "that crazy guy that rides a bike on the water". It has also become an icebreaker. I am not sure of the value because I am a fairly private person. However, in the field of social interaction I do like that I am able to allow almost anyone willing to get on it a chance to ride it. In the age range of 7 to 70. With a motor boat it would not be practical to let just anyone take off with your boat. These are the reasons that I feel the HydroBike has made a difference in my life.
R.Barrett of WA
Hydrobike a Propeller Driven Watercraft - The Explorer
I am taking this opportunity to introduce you to a revolutionary watercraft that resorts and rental operations all over the world have found to be very safe, profitable, and practically maintenance free.
I believe we can double and triple our sales annually over the next 5 years by effective online exposure to the millions of people around the world who already can relate to the recreational, social, fitness, and sporting benefits and the just plain enjoyment of the owning a Hydrobike, but don't have a clue that we exist.
I'm confident due to the market momentum from the 11,000 bikes on the water and what is evidenced by the number of referrals, sales and sales from people who rented a bike on vacation or who saw one and took the name off the bike and looked us up on the internet. This represents 70 to 80% of our sales today. With gas prices climbing (we are a green machine), emphasis on fitness by those early retirees, the future could not be brighter. On top of this is myself and my business partner, Steve Anderson (he rode the bike over 1,100 miles for 68 days UP the Mississippi River from the Gulf of Mexico to St Cloud, Minnesota in 1994). We have more enthusiasm for the bike than ever before because we believe in it. We've heard the first-hand stories of people who have owned them for years without a single repair or ever buying one pint of gas! These are people, like Bob Barrett of the Seattle Washington area, who have commuted to work for the past 5 years for a total of 6,000 miles! He's saved the price of his bike many, many times over, but that's not his biggest benefit; he says it's his attitude and his physical fitness as a result of riding his Hydrobikes almost every day of the week for up to 5 hours.
The Hydro-Bikes, Inc. Explorer I and Explorer II are propeller driven watercraft which utilize advanced aeronautical engineering design principles to make them the most sought after watercraft you can provide for your customers. They're FUN for guests of all ages and they're proven money makers.
I believe we can double and triple our sales annually over the next 5 years by effective online exposure to the millions of people around the world who already can relate to the recreational, social, fitness, and sporting benefits and the just plain enjoyment of the owning a Hydrobike, but don't have a clue that we exist.
I'm confident due to the market momentum from the 11,000 bikes on the water and what is evidenced by the number of referrals, sales and sales from people who rented a bike on vacation or who saw one and took the name off the bike and looked us up on the internet. This represents 70 to 80% of our sales today. With gas prices climbing (we are a green machine), emphasis on fitness by those early retirees, the future could not be brighter. On top of this is myself and my business partner, Steve Anderson (he rode the bike over 1,100 miles for 68 days UP the Mississippi River from the Gulf of Mexico to St Cloud, Minnesota in 1994). We have more enthusiasm for the bike than ever before because we believe in it. We've heard the first-hand stories of people who have owned them for years without a single repair or ever buying one pint of gas! These are people, like Bob Barrett of the Seattle Washington area, who have commuted to work for the past 5 years for a total of 6,000 miles! He's saved the price of his bike many, many times over, but that's not his biggest benefit; he says it's his attitude and his physical fitness as a result of riding his Hydrobikes almost every day of the week for up to 5 hours.
I've enclosed our brochure so you can make a quick assessment of the Explorer's merits and will follow up with a telephone call in a few days. Please contact me or Becky Hall, my assistant, if you have any immediate questions on how the Hydro-Bike's Explorers can increase your revenue or if you would like a demonstration ride.
Thank you for your attention,
Robert E. Lynch - Sales Manager
Hydrobikes Mississippi River Trip
ST. JOSEPH'S HOPE COMMUNITY NEWS - Pedaling Upstream Requires Support
I believe we can double and triple our sales annually over the next 5 years by effective online exposure to the millions of people around the world who already can relate to the recreational, social, fitness, and sporting benefits and the just plain enjoyment of the owning a Hydrobike, but don't have a clue that we exist.
I'm confident due to the market momentum from the 11,000 bikes on the water and what is evidenced by the number of referrals, sales and sales from people who rented a bike on vacation or who saw one and took the name off the bike and looked us up on the internet. This represents 70 to 80% of our sales today. With gas prices climbing (we are a green machine), emphasis on fitness by those early retirees, the future could not be brighter. On top of this is myself and my business partner, Steve Anderson (he rode the bike over 1,100 miles for 68 days UP the Mississippi River from the Gulf of Mexico to St Cloud, Minnesota in 1994). We have more enthusiasm for the bike than ever before because we believe in it. We've heard the first-hand stories of people who have owned them for years without a single repair or ever buying one pint of gas! These are people, like Bob Barrett of the Seattle Washington area, who have commuted to work for the past 5 years for a total of 6,000 miles! He's saved the price of his bike many, many times over, but that's not his biggest benefit; he says it's his attitude and his physical fitness as a result of riding his Hydrobikes almost every day of the week for up to 5 hours.
In May, St. Joe's was approached by Steve Anderson, who planned to ride a new kind of water bike, a Hydro-Bike, 2400 miles UP the Mississippi from it's delta to it's source in Northern Minnesota. Steve wanted to know if we were interested in becoming the charity that receives the pledges he and his fellow biker, Ken Rogers, planned to generate on the three month trip. Steve and Ken had raised $25,000 for Make-A-Wish Minnesota back in 1982 by riding "regular" bikes through each of the 48 contiguous states. They had a great time the first time and were anxious for another adventure. Raising money for a favorite charity was of primary importance to them, so they were at our door (after being turned down by two other charities, because the logistics for approval and participation were insurmountable).
I believe we can double and triple our sales annually over the next 5 years by effective online exposure to the millions of people around the world who already can relate to the recreational, social, fitness, and sporting benefits and the just plain enjoyment of the owning a Hydrobike, but don't have a clue that we exist.
I'm confident due to the market momentum from the 11,000 bikes on the water and what is evidenced by the number of referrals, sales and sales from people who rented a bike on vacation or who saw one and took the name off the bike and looked us up on the internet. This represents 70 to 80% of our sales today. With gas prices climbing (we are a green machine), emphasis on fitness by those early retirees, the future could not be brighter. On top of this is myself and my business partner, Steve Anderson (he rode the bike over 1,100 miles for 68 days UP the Mississippi River from the Gulf of Mexico to St Cloud, Minnesota in 1994). We have more enthusiasm for the bike than ever before because we believe in it. We've heard the first-hand stories of people who have owned them for years without a single repair or ever buying one pint of gas! These are people, like Bob Barrett of the Seattle Washington area, who have commuted to work for the past 5 years for a total of 6,000 miles! He's saved the price of his bike many, many times over, but that's not his biggest benefit; he says it's his attitude and his physical fitness as a result of riding his Hydrobikes almost every day of the week for up to 5 hours.
Here at St. Joe's we are used to being flexible, dealing with uncertainty and taking risks, so it was a perfect match. With St. Joe's and the Hydro-Bike Company to back them up, they set out from the Gulf of Mexico on July 4, 1994. The following is my reflective account of their story and our story of 'pedaling upstream.' My first indication that this was not going to be just another 'pledge ride' was when I heard the first 50 miles of river was inhabited by sharks! Steve remained unimpressed by the fact, but I figured if sharks were in that river down there, it was a very different river from the one we have up here. We joked and passed it off and got on with our meeting at the Hydro-Bike headquarters. The immediacy of the last minute preparations claimed our attention. It was reminiscent of the times at St. Joe's when we have focused our energy on necessities of the moment and have missed the enormous consequences inherent in our work.At St. Joe's we too frenetically prepared ourselves for the pledges, getting a special phone arrangement to handle the volume of calls that we expected when WCCO radio (830 AM) broadcast the story. So far we've gotten only a handful of calls, plus some welcome fax pledges, for a total as of July 22 of $1,724 ($1,200 of which is from our friend).
Deanna Foster